Managing a team that is not geographically in the same area presents different problems than regular team management. In the technology era and precisely the efficiency of telecommunication, businesses in a variety of industries have embraced remote work. There are different amalgamations of remote work. It can range from having workers only work in the main office a couple of times a week to completing all work, never entering the primary office.
As remote work is not the traditional way things are done, managing may be challenging to begin with. There is a chance the manager never meets their team. Still, businesses have decided that the productivity of having remote workers outweighs the difficulties that come with it. To help with the problems, here are seven mistakes to avoid when managing a remote team.
1. Forgetting to check in on your workers
A problem with remote work is there is a tendency for managers to fall into the out of sight out of mind problem. Because you are not physically seeing the workers during your everyday work life, it’s easy to forget that they are working. Also, remote workers are typically independent, so they may not be reaching out to you much. If you don’t hear from them, you may forget to reach out.
Hugh Donald, an HR blogger from UK Top Writers and Academized, says, “make sure you check in with your remote workers at the least weekly. It doesn’t have to be a lot; it could just be a “how are you” check-up. Whichever way you want to check-in, just make sure you do.”
2. Micromanaging your employees
As a remote manager, you have to realize that the average remote worker is going to be independent. The opposite of forgetting to check in on your workers is micromanaging them. You want to avoid micromanaging. When it is a remote team, the manager may feel like they have little control as the workers are not physically with them.
You do not want to make your workers feel frustrated and stressed because of your micromanaging. Make sure you keep that in mind when communicating with them. You need to find that sweet spot between forgetting about them and micromanaging. It will be worth it in the long run for your team.
3. Not respecting time zones
Since you will have remote workers, they may be conducting work throughout the globe. Do not forget this when interacting and setting deadlines for your team. You don’t want to assign a piece of work and have it due in the middle of the night for an employee working in Asia. Also, when you schedule meetings to be mindful of who is attending and what time zone it is. Have an updated list of peoples’ locations so you can find the best time to conduct one.
4. Neglecting team building
A common mistake made when managing a remote team is overlooking team building. Remote work can be isolating for the employee. It is up to you as the manager to bring the team together and build camaraderie. Even though your employees aren’t together physically doesn’t mean you can’t make an organizational culture. You can celebrate birthdays, milestones, or work anniversaries. Get creative to bring your team together. Do not neglect team building for your remote team!
5. Utilizing only email
It will be very easy to get carried within an email chain to an employee. Typing out a quick email is typically faster than a conventional phone call. However, it is essential to communicate via other channels. Chat with your employees on the phone or through an audio app every once and a while. It will help keep that human contact feel. Your workers may appreciate it as well as it may be an excellent opportunity to have a less formal discussion about the business. Maybe they wanted to talk about something that they had a hard time articulating over email.
Remember, the person behind the screen is a real human. The audio calls will intrinsically benefit both sides of the call.
6. Not getting to know your employees better
Just because you communicate a lot with an employee, doesn’t mean you have a relationship. What kind of communication do you have with the team member? There is a good chance that every message you have sent is entirely about work. Obviously, it is very important to communicate about work. There are times, however, where you can stray a bit and try and get to know the workers better. Connect with them a personal note.
Lenny Huberts, a recruiter at Best British Essays and Revieweal, says, “learning about an employee is very beneficial for both sides. For you, it is a great chance to understand their motivations, passions, and what makes them happy. For them, they will feel more connected with the business and will be more productive. It is a win-win.”
7. Not keeping your team in the loop
Forgetting to keep a remote team updated with day-to-day things is very common. Workers will feel disconnected from the company if they aren’t kept in the loop. Even if the information you are sharing is irrelevant to them, sometimes it is necessary to share just so the employee has an idea of what is going on in the firm.
Transparency is a massive deal in the workplace. More openness will make employees trust the business more. Remember, do not fall into the out of sight out of mind mantra. Keep your team up to date and in the loop.
It is vital for a company to understand the set of problems that arise from remote work. Managing a remote team is not like managing a team in an office building. However, with the technology era, many companies have embraced this new way of doing things. This guide has outlined seven common mistakes that are made when managing remote teams. Follow this guide to create a stronger, more productive arrangement.
About the author:
A business and technical writer at Big Assignments and State of Writing, Ellie Coverdale enjoys sharing her passion with her readers. She loves sharing her extensive social and digital media marketing experience with her audience. Coverdale is interested in boosting conversions and building websites that engage her readers. In her spare time, she is a writing skills teacher for Elite Assignment Help.
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