How to Stay Productive When the World Is on Fire

Quote: Best of all, there’s an entire cottage industry of Pomodoro apps for smartphones and computers to help you remember when to work and when to take a break... While the built-in timer on your phone will definitely work, if you want something set up already, consider RoundPie, which has free apps for iOS and Android (as well as desktop apps.)

Les 15 Outils Numériques Pour Arrêter De Procrastiner Au Bureau

Quote: C’est une app qui utilise la méthode du même nom et l’ajoute à chaque outil. Cette technique de management préconise de travailler aidé d’un minuteur : 25 minutes de travail, cinq minutes de pause. Gratuit.


Quote: ポモドーロ・テクニックは、生産性を向上させる方法として非常に人気があります。ですので、ポモドーロ・テクニックを最大限活用するためのアプリがたくさんあります。ポモドーロ・テクニックに関連するアプリの中の1つに、デスクトップで使える無料の『PomoDone』があります。

Your brain needs a break — these apps are here to help

Quote: The human brain wasn’t built to go at full steam for hours on end. Studies have shown that performance suffers when you spend prolonged periods focusing on the same task. Brief mental breaks can help you stay focused, as well as give your mind the freedom to wander (which is necessary for creative and complex problem-solving).

15 Best Android productivity apps

Quote: Here’s a list I’ve compiled of some the best apps to help you become a productivity machine.

The Pomodoro Technique is a management tactic used to work without burning out. PomoDone follows the Pomodoro technique, allowing you to sync tasks with popular apps. Track time spent on important tasks and do more without burning out.

You’ll Be More Successful Time Blocking Than To-Do Listing in 2019

Quote: If you feel that you’ve never quite conquered the perfect system for staying on task, you’re not alone. According to researchers in a recent study, just 40% of to-do lists remain unfinished.
— Every Sunday spend a half hour to tending to the outlook of the week ahead.
— Use color coded blocks in Google or Outlook calendars.
— Use sound notifications from your calendar to ping you when a time block is almost up. You can also set timers and alarms to that effect.
— Or download an app to help keep you in line, like Pomodone.

15 ways you can use your phone to improve your productivity

Quote: If you need some structure to how you approach your day, you might want to try your hand at one of the many common time management techniques that rely on scheduling blocks of time to accomplish tasks throughout the day.

The Pomodoro Technique, for example, is a popular strategy that breaks your day into 25-minute chunks. You can install a Pomodoro app like PomoDoneApp, or skip apps entirely and simply use your phone's timer to chunk up your day.

How to ADHD-proof your schedule using Trello

Quote: I’ve begun using an app called Pomodone, which is a Pomodoro timer (you may already know how much I love the Pomodoro Technique). The cool thing about this app is that you can connect it directly to your Trello account. This means that you can assign time slots directly to specific cards.

The Best Pomodoro Timer Apps to Rocket Your Productivity

Quote: PomoDone is one of the most impressive Pomodoro timers out there, which we’ve covered in detail before. Mainly because it syncs with your existing to-do lists so perfectly. This means you don’t need to waste time adding tasks to your timer manually. Plus, when you mark a task complete in the timer, it automatically syncs with your to-do list(s) of choice!

New App: Get More Done, Faster with PomoDoneApp

Quote: The Pomodoro Technique is a simple way to protect against burnout and manage distractions by focusing work in short, timeboxed bursts. PomoDoneApp combines the effectiveness of Pomodoro-style time management with task tracking so you can get more work done in less time. With easy access to the timer right in your toolbar, you can start, stop, and pause tasks in seconds. Connect PomoDoneApp to the 750+ apps on Zapier and you can start taming your to-do list and pumping up your productivity with no extra work.

PomoDoneApp for Mac

Quote: Time management application that connects with multiple task management services and helps you apply the Pomodoro technique when working.

The Pomodoro technique is designed to improve one’s focus by alternating work sessions with short brakes. PomoDoneApp makes use of this concept, while also integrating with various task management services.

11 Essential Trello Integrations That Make Your Job Easier

Quote: To Add a Pomodoro Timer to Trello Wouldn’t it be great if you could use a Pomodoro timer to work through your Trello task list within a single app? Somebody else thought so, too, and created such an app. It’s called PomoDone.

PomoDoneApp - Phân bổ và thời gian cho công việc

Quote: PomoDoneApp là phần mềm khai thác công nghệ Electron nhằm cải thiện hiệu suất làm việc của người dùng, kết nối nhiều dịch vụ quản lý tác vụ thông dụng nhất hiện nay như Slack, Toodledo, Wunderlist, Trello, Jira, Evernote, Basecamp, và PivotalTracker, v.v. Có thể nói, PomoDoneApp mang đến một giải pháp hữu hiệu giúp người dùng phân bổ và quản lý thời gian thực hiện công việc.

Apps to Help Students Do Their Best Work

Quote: PomoDone Everyone wants to be more productive. The Pomodoro technique is one way to make the most out of your time. Pomodoro suggests that an individual works in time blocks, and plans for short breaks during the work day.

App of the day: PomoDone App – Timer for your Task List and ToDo - Interview with the developer

Quote: Every day we publish one great app and help 750,000 users discover new apps to add to their mobile device.

PomoDone App: Productivity Countdown timer to apply a timeboxing methodology for your Todoist™, Trello™, Wunderlist™, Asana™, Evernote™, Slack, Microsoft™ To-Do and Microsoft™ Outlook Tasks, Google Calendar, etc.

Top 7: applis Pomodoro pour être plus productif tout en prenant plus de pauses!

Quote: PomoDoneApp est mon application chouchou et celle que j’utilise chaque jour. Si tu as envie d’essayer une application tout-en-un qui sort très largement du cadre d’un simple minuteur, c’est celle que je te recommande sans hésiter!

PomoDone app est incontournable pour ceux qui veulent une application “tout inclus” pour ordinateurs et navigateurs web (Mac, Windows, Linux, Web App).Tous les réglages sont configurables et elle permet l’intégration de tâches d’autres applications (comme Todoist, Asana, etc). Sans oublier l’extension Google Chrome qui permet de créer des tâches sur mesure à partir du contenu web.

12 Pomodoro Timer Apps that Will Boost Your Productivity

Quote: For folks who have a nearly perfect task management system in place, but want to try Pomodoro, there's PomoDone. You can add PomoDone to your favorite tools, such as Trello, Wunderlist, Asana, Basecamp, and Todoist, or you can use the timer on its own. Once you set it up, PomoDone will import all your tasks from any connected apps, or you can create new tasks as you start timers.

5 Wunderlist Integrations that you may not know

Quote: Set your Pomodoro timer with PomoDone
Ever used a Pomodoro timer but wished it was connected to your Wunderlist? Well, wish no more. PomoDone comes with a nifty Wunderlist integration so that, when you connect your Wunderlist account to PomoDone, all your lists will show up in the app. Just choose a to-do and set your timer. Once you’ve finished it you can tick it off and it will sync with your Wunderlist. If you’ve spent the day working with the Pomodoro timer then a quick look at your Log on PomoDone will show you how long each task took to complete so you can impress your boss with the stats. Created by PomoDone.

App para aplicar a técnica Pomodoro

Quote: Perfeito para quem gosta de integrar app. Você pode integrar PomoDone com suas ferramentas favoritas, como Trello, Wunderlist, Basecamp e Todoist, ou você pode usar o temporizador por conta própria.

Todoist Guide – Sådan bruger jeg Todoist

Quote: Der findes en ret lang liste med integrationsmuligheder til todoist. I forhold til at bruge dem, så er jeg har jeg ikke helt set lyset. Den den største udfordring har været at inputtet i form af opgavetekst, ofte er noget autogenereret, som så ikke passer ind i den måde jeg skriver opgaver ind. F.eks. er der en integrations mulighed i mit mailprogram Airmail, som kan omdanne mails til opgaver, men det er emnefeltet der bliver lavet om til opgave tekst og det giver ikke rigtigt mening. I det senarie kan man også videresende mails til en konfigureret mailadresse, men så er vi ofte ud i at det er hurtigere at bruge Quickinput featuren. Der er dog en integration, som er blevet en af grundstammerne i min arbejdsdag og det er integrationsmuligheden der kombinerer timetracking og pomodoro teknikken, nemlig servicen PomoDone.

20 כלים מומלצים לעבודה פרודוקטיבית ויצירתית יותר.


ממשיכים עם פרודוקטיביות והנה תוכנה שתכסה אתכם מכל הכיוונים. פומודון מבוססת על השיטה ליעילות בזמנים שנקראת פומודורו טיים- שיטה אנטי מוליטסקינג שממליצה לחלק את המשימות שלכם לפרקים של 25 דקות. מפעילים את הטיימר וב-25 דקות הללו מתרכזים במטלה המסוימת שקבענו עם עצמנו לעשות. זה לא משנה אם לא תספיקו לעשות את המטלה כולה במסגרת ה-25 דקות, מה שחשוב זה שתעבדו על עצמכם פסיכולוגית שזה השקעה של 25 דקות בלבד. הוכח כי ברגע שמתחילים משימה כבדה דרך השיטה הזו, סיכוי טוב שתכנסו לשוונג ותמשיכו להתעמק בה עוד זמן רב. אבל- לפי השיטה אחרי סשן של 25 דקות חייבים להקפיד על הפסקה של 5 דקות. הפסקה אמיתית- זמן טוב לקום מהמחשב, לעשות מתיחות, לשתות מים וכו'. מה שלא עושים בהפסקה- מיילים, טלפון או שיטוט באתרים מסיחי דעת שידרדרו אתכם לשכוח את עצמכם שם ( כי זה בטוח ישאב ממכם יותר מ-5 דקות). תנו לעצמכם באמת להפסיק- שיעמום זה המזון של המוח.

ישנן תוכנות רבות של שיטת פומודורו לטלפון , לבראוזר ולמחשב. אני אוהבת להמליץ על פומודון כי יש בה עוד אפשרויות כמו לכתוב מהי המשימה שאתם עושים בזמן הסשן. בסוף היום תקבלו דו"ח עם פירוט הסשנים שעשיתם ועל איזה משימות עבדתם בסשנים הללו והכי מגניב- בזמן שהשעון של הפומודון מתקתק אתם יכולים להגדיר שאתרים מסוימים לא יעבדו לכם כדי לעזור לכם לא להיות מוסחים (בדומה לfocus booster)..

Pomodone: An app for Pomodoro fans

Quote: Speaking of Chrome extensions, the same client who used the Jot app also shared with me the Pomodone App, also a productivity Chrome extension. Subscribers and clients know that the Pomodoro Technique is my lifesaver productivity technique, focusing your work into 25 minute spurts. Pomodone works in any browser, but the Chrome extension allows you to create tasks directly from your browser.

Mijn favoriete apps! De time management app Pomodone.

Quote: Ik heb er erg mijn best op gedaan. Van die apps waarmee je bij kunt houden hoeveel tijd je aan een taak besteedt. Bij het werk voor de klanten van Just Connecting gaat het nog wel goed, maar zodra ik voor mijn eigen projecten zaken wil gaan timen gaat het op de een of andere manier hopeloos mis. Ook merkte ik dat ik regelmatig uren achter elkaar met 1 taak bezig was, of dacht dat ik al uren bezig was terwijl er in de praktijk 35 minuten voorbij waren :-(. Als jij een (of alle) van de bovenstaande punten ook wel eens meemaakt dan is de pomodoro techniek en de app pomodoneapp wellicht iets voor je.

Free pomodoro timer with Wunderlist, Trello integration

Quote: PomoDone is a free Pomodoro timer software. Like many other similar websites and software, it follows the traditional Pomodoro technique and helps to divide your task into intervals, along with short and long breaks. But this is not what makes this software unique, as it’s the common feature of any Pomodoro timer software. The special feature that comes with this Pomodoro timer is its integration with other task management services.

9 formas de usar Trello para organizar casi cualquier cosa en tu vida

Quote: Ya estés en una empresa o seas trabajador autónomo, seguro que cada día tienes un montón de tareas. Y quizás algún día te hayas ido a casa con la sensación de haber sido poco productivo, porque no has logrado acabar todo lo que tenías planeado para ese día. Trello puede ayudarte a optimizar el uso de tu tiempo y a conseguir tachar todas tus tareas de la lista de cosas pendientes. En conjunción con la app PomoDone (basada en la ténica Pomodoro), Trello se convierte en una aplicación de gestión del tiempo que puede ayudarte a ser más productivo y acabar cada jornada laboral con buen sabor de boca.

Time management met de pomodoro techniek

Quote: PomoDone is een programmaatje voor Mac, Windows en Linux. Het heeft ook een webversie. PomoDone heeft alle features die de andere timers ook hebben, met één belangrijke extra: je kunt PomoDone synchroniseren met andere productiviteitstools, zoals Wunderlist, Evernote en Trello. Zo kun je van de taken op je to-do-list meteen pomodoro's maken. De lengte van de pomodoro kun je per taak instellen.

Independent Microsoft Technical Evangelist is my new title for my old job.

Quote: I use the pomodoro technique constantly. I tried apps for my iPhone, then for my Windows Phone, but finally I just used the timer app that ships with Windows. Over the past few months I started using PomoDoneApp because of his integration with Trello and also looking to have more time data to use and analyze later. The app works but for the purpose of my analysis is still not enough data.

مدیریت زمان با تکنیک پومودورو

Quote: این سایت رو به تازگی پیدا کردم (فکر می کنم کلا تازه هم سرویس رو راه انداخته باشند). این سایت به سرویس های مختلف و زیادی متصل می شود (نظیر Wunderlist / Todoist / Trello) و کارهای شما را نمایش می دهد تا بتوانید براحتی با استفاده از این سرویس و تکنیک پومودورو آن ها را انجام دهید. یک مزیت این سرویس هم لاگ گرفتن و گزارش زمان شما برای هر کاری که انجام دادید، هست. حتی می توانید ساعت ها رو با افرادی به اشتراک بگذارید. این سرویس هم اکنون نسخه ویندوز، مک و وب را دارد و طی صحبتی که با سازنده اون داشتم در حال کار بر روی نسخه iOS و اندروید نیز هستند.

Finding the tim(er)

Quote: PomoDone App. PomoDone is not as robust as Focus Booster, but it does have some interesting features that make it worthwhile for me to try out. Firstly, it integrates nicely with a wide array of task management services, including Evernote, which I rely on at work to organize my thoughts and miscellaneous documents.

Pomodone, an app to manage your working hours and down time

Quote: ‘PomoDone’ is a desktop application that helps you monitor your time. After a quick registration and installation, you’re ready to start working with your pomodoro cycles. Of course, if working for 25 minutes at maximum concentration is too much for you, or too little, you have total freedom to modify the work and rest periods. In this regard, the application is fully customizable. And we like it because it will always be present on your desktop to make sure you’re not spending longer than what’s necessary in front of the monitor.

Pomodone — таймер продуктивности для задач из Wunderlist, Trello, Evernote и Todoist

Quote: Pomodone — бесплатное приложение, доступное пользователям Windows, OS X и Chrome. Оно будет полезно и приверженцам «помидорной» продуктивности, и тем, кто только хочет начать использовать этот инструмент.

Exploring The Pomodoro Technique and Timers to Improve Productivity and Write More

Quote: After the free Focus Booster trial was up I thought I’d explore other options and started using PomoDone in combination with Todoist. This was a real game-changer. PomoDone looks fairly similar to Focus Booster but has a little more functionality, including the ability to pair it with a wide variety of other popular apps such as Trello, Wunderlist, Evernote, Asana and the aforementioned Todoist. In fact, it’s compatible with over fifty sources. The free version of PomoDone enables you to historically view your tasks for the last three months—recorded in much the same way as they are in Focus Booster—and to integrate with three other programmes (for me just Todoist is great).

What Is the Pomodoro Technique and How To Be More Efficient At Work

Quote: If you are already pretty efficient with your time management and you’re just looking to perfect it, then this is the app for you. It integrates with several other apps, including Wunderlist, Trello, Evernote, and Basecamp so you can actually label the tasks being completed in each Pomodoro.

What Jeff Galloway Taught Me About Business

Quote: When I set a timer for 30 minutes, I work much harder knowing my time is limited. My favorite app for managing this is Pomodone – – it connects to both Asana and ToDoist – so I can pull tasks in, work on them and check them off.

How to set yourself up for maximum writing producivity

Quote: Set a timer. I’ve been a fan of the Pomodoro Technique for a long time. Now there are a whole host of apps that can help you set up timers and track your productivity. I wrote this post using PomoDone, a Pomodoro-based app that integrates with ToDoIst so I can work against a timer that has already pulled in all the tasks I need to accomplish. Synergy, baby!

Let's get productive!

Quote: Pomodone (for The Pomodoro Technique) - The only desktop pomodoro app I've used that works exactly how I want it to. It syncs with Todoist, so whilst working I'll just pick the task I want to focus on, and then I can work solidly knowing that breaks will come regularly. Plus, at the end of the day I can see how much time I've actually spent working, and make changes from there.

Pomodoro timer for your favourite productivity tool

Quote: After my recent foray into the Pomodoro Technique, I was hit up on twitter to take a look at the PomoDone App. I’ve not had a chance to look into it fully yet but I think if you guys are into the Pomodoro technique it may well be worth looking at as it links in with a lot of exisiting Task/Time-Managent products.

Add pomodoro timers to your to-do lists with this app

Quote: PomoDone adds a Pomodoro timer to your task management service of choice, whichever that happens to be. You can sync PomoDone with specific projects or to-do lists and start working on tasks from them right away. For now, you can connect PomoDone to popular tools like Trello, Todoist, Wunderlist, Evernote, Asana, and Basecamp. Can’t find your task management app in that list? Don’t worry. It might make an appearance soon, because the list of supported services is ever-growing. In the meantime, PomoDone has a local to-do list feature that you can make use of.