10 Surprising Things that Can Affect Productivity

Tue Apr 21, 2020

We throw around the word “productivity” a lot. Being more productive seems to be a New Year’s resolution for at least half the population! Did you know that your environment, work conditions, and even your working culture can all impact productivity negatively or positively? There are so many factors that play into what makes you productive or unproductive in a day, but when you average it out you’ll find a few surprising things that play a consistent part.

How To Run A Goal Performance Review In A Remote Team

Thu Apr 2, 2020

Remote teams working together in harmony achieve great goals. At some point, in order to assess how the team’s doing, team leaders and managers have to evaluate their performance against the team goals. How is it possible to evaluate a team without any in-person interaction? Managing a remote team is hard, and so is evaluating the work.

Seven Mistakes to Avoid When Managing a Remote Team

Thu Oct 31, 2019

Managing a team that is not geographically in the same area presents different problems than regular team management. In the technology era and precisely the efficiency of telecommunication, businesses in a variety of industries have embraced remote work. There are different amalgamations of remote work. It can range from having workers only work in the main office a couple of times a week to completing all work, never entering the primary office.

How to Help Your Team with Burnout When You Are Burn out Yourself

Thu Oct 17, 2019

When it comes to work, we all get tired after a while. That’s how our body works. Without sufficient rest and some motivation, stress and activity can make you feel burned out. As a manager, your job isn’t just to protect yourself from burnout. You have to also help others and support them in their work. As stressful as this sounds, it’s what makes a great manager.

9 Weekend Activities That Increase Productivity for the Work Week Ahead

Thu May 16, 2019

Weekends should definitely be a reward for getting through the previous week—but they’re also the perfect time to start preparing for the week ahead. While that might be the last thing you want to think about, using your weekend wisely will make your work week go a lot smoother. Here are nine weekend activities that will increase your productivity for the upcoming week

3 Productivity Tips for Entrepreneurs Managing Their Online Business Reputation

Mon May 13, 2019

Any budding entrepreneur knows that managing an online reputation can consume hours (if not days) of the work week. Between monitoring reviews and building a presence on social media, the process only gets more time-consuming and difficult as time goes on.

Top 9 Skills To Boost Employee Productivity

Fri May 3, 2019

Is it simply enough to have a job, an office or huge organization to work in? And getting a cheque at the end of the week? A workplace no matter small or large has to be taken off by efficiency and achievement that empowers itself in the form of tangible results for the company and is rewarding for the employee.

4 Things That Are Hindering Your Team's Productivity

Fri Apr 12, 2019

In 2019, starting your own company has never been easier. There’s a vast array of online tools, from business name generators to website builders, that make the process doable for people of all ages and experience levels.